2010-05 International symposium on Picasso: From Can to Canvas (France)

Posted on Fri, 08/13/2010 - 11:51

The Centre Interrégional de Conservation et Restauration du Patrimoine (Interregional Centre for Heritage Preservation and Restoration, CICRP, Marseille) The Art Institute of Chicago (AIC) and the Musée Picasso in Antibes have the pleasure to announce the international symposium From Can to Canvas. Early uses of house paints by Picasso and his contemporaries in the first half of the 20th century, which will be held in Marseille on May 25th and 26th and in Antibes on May 27th, 2011.

For more information including a call for papers see: www.fromcantocanvas.fr.

Deadline for call for papers November 15, 2010.